Practical courses ranging from applying Crisis Management fundamental concepts to building the Crisis Management Team and running full scale table top exercises.

If anything, the last year has proven that a crisis is not an orderly event and requires a different approach on top of your enterprise risk management activities. While crises will manifest in very different shapes and forms, they all have some things in common: They’re all capable of seriously damaging your business operations, they can make or break your reputation and the very definition of a Crisis implies at the very minimum (if you’re lucky) a certain level of unpredictability and chaos associated. Organizations must rely on exceptional crisis management skills of their employees to deal with these unforeseen circumstances, increasingly complex and connected organizational structures and proper communication with stakeholders in a digital era where trust arrives by foot and leaves in a Ferrari. SECO-Institute’s Crisis Management track offers an entry level course that will help understand and apply crucial Crisis Management concepts, and an advanced training course for those pursuing a career as Crisis Management leader within their organization.

Mariette Neumann
Author & Trainer
Senior Advisor & Co-Founder
ITP Groep Crisismanagement

Tadas Jakstas
Consultant Cyber Security, Crisis Management and Critical Infrastructures at NRD Cyber Security

Jacob van ‘t Slot
NGO security-, and crisis management advisor
Co-Founder at Global Risk Advice
Crisis Management Courses
Entry level
Crisis Management Foundation
2 days
Anyone looking for a comprehensive introduction to Crisis Management.
Fundamentals in Crisis Management, Crisis Management Organization and Crisis Communications, illustrating core concepts with assignments.
Fundamentals in Crisis Management, Crisis Management Organization and Crisis Communications, illustrating core concepts with assignments.
Perform a basic impact and stakeholder analysis for crisis communications.
Understand the crisis management lifecycle, and what activities you need to perform in each crisis-stage to work towards successful recovery.
Identify a crisis situation. Correctly identify crisis-stages, priorities and the actions appropriate to each stage. Understand the importance of the “golden hour”.
Understand the fundamental principles of reputation management.
Apply basic employee and media crisis communications principles.
Advanced level
Crisis Management Practitioner
5 days
Prepares for a successful progression into a crisis management role.
Deep dive, heavily hands on driven with a substantial part of the course dedicated to group assignments. Participate in a full day tabletop (Crisis Simulation) exercise.
Define roles, responsibilities and competencies for a Crisis Management Organization. Allocate resources to the crisis management organization.
Evaluate main impact areas and stop their impact to restore safety, operations and reputation. Conduct environmental analysis on all elements influencing the organisation’s performance under pressure. Manage stakeholders’ perceptions and expectations to prevent an even bigger crisis.
Draw up a crisis management plan. Assess your crisis management plan and identify areas for improvement.
Run a Crisis Management Simulation exercise. Handle a crisis in line with crisis management best practices. Chair crisis management team meetings.
Identify and mitigate reputational and continuity risks.
Design your crisis communications strategy, with a special focus on handling social media and the press. Draft a crisis press release. Monitor media during a crisis.